
Affiliate Program

RFW Software’s affiliate program works like this:

  1. You must have a website that draws traffic interested in either creative fiction or nonfiction writing.
  2. You will be given a special link to post on your website or include in your opt-in email.
  3. On your website, you must post an ad with the special link that leads to, or…
  4. You must have an opt-in mail campaign with the special link that leads to prefer campaigns through services like MailChimp)
  5. If a viewer clicks the link, purchases, and retains a product from, you earn a commission of 15% of the normal retail price.
  6. If the viewer purchases within 90 days, you earn the commission. This mechanism is via cookies stored on the viewer’s computer.
  7. First-come, first-serve: The first affiliate to interest the viewer is awarded the commission.
  8. In order to be paid, you must have a valid web page or email transcript approved by RFW Software, and if a US taxpayer, a valid W-9 on file.
  9. Websites with several web pages exclusively dedicated to WizardForAuthors products are eligible for higher commission rates. Please inquire at Contact Us

To begin the program:

  1. Read the terms and conditions.
  2. If U.S. taxpayer, print, fill out W-9, and mail
  3. Contact us at


This is for websites that draw traffic with interests in writing novels, memoirs, or nonfiction. Personal websites from non-celebrities will not be successful. Please enter accurate data for everything is verified before payment. Commissions up to $22 per referral or more can be earned with only a small addition to a high traffic website. YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF YOU DO NOT PROVIDE THE WEBSITE PAGE WHERE THE LINK TO US IS LOCATED, NOR WILL YOU BE PAID IF YOU’RE A U.S. RESIDENT WITHOUT A W-9 SUBMISSION.