
Paths to Publication

There are many paths to publication. These paths are determined by the type of publication, and the methodology. From the below toggles choose the path suited to your needs and the tools you can use from the Cheetaah for Writers Software Suite.



Paths to Publication

There are many paths to publication. These paths are determined by the type of publication, and the methodology. From the below toggles choose the path suited to your needs and the tools you can use from the Cheetaah for Writers Software Suite.

Published Author

If you’ve self-published, you must have sold thousands of paid books to be considered by some traditional publishers. Some traditional publishers will not consider publishing a book that has been in the public domain through any means; however, more publishers are coming around to be more flexible. If you’ve published a novel through traditional means, many times publishers will accept a novel proposal on your subsequent submissions. You will be given a deadline along with your contract.

Published or Unpublished Authordog

For traditional nonfiction you should initially create a nonfiction proposal and submit this to a publisher through a literary agent. Use the Nonfiction Proposal Wizard + Elizabeth Lyons “Nonfiction Proposals Anybody Can Write” book. It is not necessary, nor desirable, to write the entire manuscript. You must have salable credentials that will impress the readers you’re an expert in content of your book. Along with Nonfiction Proposal Wizard, you will use Query Letter Wizard and Agent Wizard. If you choose to self-publish, you may use POD Wizard or eBook Wizard.




If you’re not a celebrity, most traditional publishers are not interested in your memoir. You have two choices. If you’re producing the memoir to pass on to your family and friends, you can self-publish. You can use the Nonfiction Manuscript Wizard, the eBook Wizard, and/or the POD Wizard to accomplish your goal. Another alternative if you wish to seek a traditional publisher is to fictionalize the story. Add some good lies about yourself and use Novel Wizard, Query Letter, Synopsis, and Agent Wizard to meet this goal.

Celebrity about

If you’re a celebrity, you can write your own manuscript or enlist a ghost writer. If you choose to write your own, I strongly advise you start with a Nonfiction Proposal using the Wizard. Once completed, use Agent Wizard to find an agent to represent you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][/vc_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]